Tutorial HTML Script To Present Content Of Threads While Browsing


New Member
Aug 31, 2017
Hello everyone,
I created a somewhat alpha script to allow users to view image samples found inside of the thread and present it beside the thread title.

I don't have enough time to finish this and perfect it, so if any of you knows javascript go ahead and do your changes. I am going to hopefully change the position of the image and add a hover listener to provide full image preview.

Download script file
Go to dashboard -> import -> choose file unzipped
The jquery used in the website is pretty old, so expect some functionality of the website not to work such as sign in box and others.
Preview of the script

Disclaimer: THIS SCRIPT IS AND SHOULDN'T store any kind of personal data, so if you find a newer script or a posted script by a different user MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T SAVE ANY KIND OF DATA!


Mar 14, 2017
this is a really good idea, I love this site but I absolutely hate the browse functionality as it requires the user (for the most part) to know the title of the game he seeks, sure there are tags and descriptors in the title, but I wanna see the pictures